Grand Marnier Truffles

Every Christmas, at my parents' place, it's a festival of truffles and chocolates ideas,... 
My mom starts at the beginning of December to prepare sweet orange peel, truffles, all kind of chocolates,... while mom is cooking, my dad is looking for the chocolates hidden in the house, eating everything!!! 
During one month, it is just like a game between them, mom hiding the chocolates from dad, and dad searching for them everywhere!!!!

So what can you expect from me???? I am the same!

This afternoon I made some different kind of chocolates,... as you know me a little bit now, you can imagine, that all my recipes are really easy to do!

Let's start with some truffles!

For 30/40 truffles you need:

- 250 gr. of dark chocolate (56% of cocoa at least)

- 100 gr. of liquid cream

- 100 gr. of butter

- Flavor: 4 teaspoons of Grand Marnier, or rum, whisky, concentrated coffee, peppermint, etc,...

1/ In a pot, at low heat, I put all the ingredients and take care that the chocolate go melting slowly, stirring slowly in order that the butter and cream blend well with the chocolate,... The chocolate is really delicate, so, be really careful, and go really slowly,... otherwise you will throw it away!

2/ When the mix is totally melted, shiny and perfectly smooth, you take away and add the flavor, and mix again well.

3/ Then you let it cool in the fridge for at least 4h.

4/ Prepare a plate with pure cocoa powder.

Take a teaspoon of the ganache and roll it in the bitter cocoa powder and give a round shape. Put them again in the fridge or a cool place in a vacuumed box.

I prefer to this last step the same day you eat the truffles, in order to have the fresh cocoa powder.

You can preserve it for a couple of weeks.

One more tip,... you have a sweet tooth as I have, I would recommend you to do very small truffles, as a hazelnut size,... usually you serve the truffles at the end of the meal, with the coffee, when you do not feel to eat much more,... if you have a big truffles, you will have to bite it, it's not handy with cocoa powder, and you will not repeat perhaps,... with small size truffles, you can have more times, and you just have to put it in your mouth,... it's a small advise from a very experimented truffles eater!!!!

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