High Energy cookies!
For approx. 20 cookies, you need:
- 100 grs of wheat flour
- 1 egg
- 50 gsr. of Muesli with raisins
- 25 grs.of butter
- 50 grs of sugar
- 1 tbsp. of baking powder
- 1 pinch of salt
First, gather in a bowl sugar and egg and whisk it with a fork. When the mixture turns whitey, add the flour with the salt and the baking powder.
Then put the muesli and melted butter. Mix everything together. First with the fork and then with the fingers.
Then put the muesli and melted butter. Mix everything together. First with the fork and then with the fingers.
Keep the preparation in the fridge, while you spread some butter on a baking tray. Take off the cookies mixture and with fingers do nut size bowls. Press on the tray to do round cookies.
Cookt it 15 min in the oven till the cookies get golden. You can preserve it in a close box for a couple of weeks.
These cookies are not fat at all and provide a lot of energy! They are perfect for your break at the office, the children or after sport!
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