Burgermester in Amsterdam
1016 VB Amsterdam
Don't you want some junk food sometimes? Don't you have days that you prefer a big burger than a gourmet vanguardista cuisine?
I do! It does not happen to me so often, but there is days that I would die for a big good burger! If it is not made from my American friends, now, I know I can find a delicious burger in Amsterdam at the Burger Meester!
Ok, this is not any kind of burger,... and I really want to support their initiative, because the philosophy they follow sticks to mine!
This small restaurant is located on Elandsgracht and the smell of the burger is just recognizable 500m before!
Big pictures of cows are covering the walls, and perhaps can shock some delicate souls,... for me, it is gives more credibility.
The meat used for the burgers is Blonde d'Aquitaine, a very tasty meat, that's make the difference at the first bite! The rest is fresh ingredients, original recipes and quick service!
- Minitrio: 3 mini burgers in order you do not have to choose from the mouth watering list of the menu!
- Burger salad menu: a burger served with a salad without the bread; super healthy!
- Maandburger: the burger of the month!; funny that in Mc Donald's you see the employee of the month, and here, this is the burger,...
The great thing is that you can suggest which could be the next burger of the month choosing the kind of meat, the ingredients and the sauce! What would be the burger of your dreams??????
Ok it is not as cheap as this American fast food restaurants, but I promise the experience is worthy!