Stephi's cheese and mushroom samosas
You will love to make it, because it is easy to prepare, with easy ingredients, cheap, and it is just outstanding!!!!
This recipe is inspired from the Moroccan cuisine, with a western style. I added some Asian twist, and now you will find yourself on the crossroads of the fusion cuisine! That´s why I decided to call it samosas! Even if this pastry is traditionally filled other ingredients and folded in triangle, I think the spirit of its origins fits with this delicious recipe!
Ingredients for 4 persons:
- 1 pack of filo dough
- 150 grs of button mushrooms
- 1box La Vache qui rit cheese (the laughing cow in English)
- 1 handful of parsley
- 1 shallot
- Olive oil
- salt and pepper
For the service: 1 handful of fresh coriander, 2 tps. of soy sauce and a dash of lime juice.
1/ Preparation of the stuffing
Peel the shallot, and slice it thinly. Brush the mushrooms to take off the rest of earth. Slice them and put them in a bowl of water with lemon. Slice thinly the parsley and reserve.
In a fried-pan, with 1 tsp. of olive oil, start to fry the shallots. When they start to get golden and translucent, add the mushrooms already drained and cook for 15 minutes at medium heat till the mixture gets golden. Add salt and pepper.
In a bowl, put the mushrooms, sprinkle the parsley and add the cheese portions and mix everything together smoothly till you get a kind of paste.
2/ Preparation of the samosas
You can find the filo dough in Turkish shops. It is a roll of dozen of extremely thin dough. The filo paste is quite delicate, gets dry quickly or damp. So take some precaution when you handle it.
Lean a first sheet and brush some olive oil, add a second sheet on top and brush some olive oil as well. 1 tea spoon of olive oil per sheet is enough. When you 3 sheets, put in the middle 2 tbsp. of the cheese and mushroom mixture. Then roll the stuffing and fold the border inside before you finish to roll it. You can fold the filo in thousands of different ways, but I like the cigar roll shape, which is the easiest one!!!
Place the roll on tray and make sure that none touches the others.
Repeat the operation till you finish the mixture.
3/ Fry the samosas
If you are not going to fry it straight away, keep it in a closed box in the fridge.
In a fried-pan, put 3 tbs. of olive oil at medium heat and when it is warm, put the rolls for 3 minutes on each side and place then on tray for service. If you want to use more oil, I would recommend you to first put the rolls on a kitchen paper in order it absorbs the exceeding oil. Reserve.
Sprinkle some fresh coriander on top and serve straight away with a beside sauce made from soy sauce and lime juice.
This is a great snack or appetizer if you make smaller samosas, but you can also made then bigger and propose it as starter with some green leaves salad.
I really hope you will enjoy it!!!! Thank you for letting me know if you liked it!
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