October 2016 busy agenda: Cooking workshops, Seminars and Brunch!

We have been teaching cooking and nutritional workshops, holding seminars, arranging trips for 6 years now under the umbrella of Yummy, Fun and Healthy Living. 
We are actually totally stoked to be hosting those workshops and seminars - first of all as there is of course so much Yummy, Fun and Healthy Food to be cooked within the themes Fats, Sugar or Superfoods.
Secondly as we love to give these workshops and meet all of you. 

Cia & Stephi
Your hosts and facilitators:

Stephanie Mazier of Appetit Voyage - International Food blogger, Writer, Food & Beverages Connoisseur and recipe tweaker extraordinaire, www.appetitvoyage.com

Cecilia Götherström of Studio Stark - Internationally Certified Nutritionist, Yoga Teacher, Blogger, Writer, PT , complete nutrition-nerd, www.studiostark.net


Want to know how to cook healthy chips?
Sweet Potatoes Chips
Because if there is any section within nutrition that has been swinging up and down, back and forth when it comes to trends and myths the past 30 years - Fat/s is the true winner.

So, we will learn all there is to learn about Fat/s and Your Health in this workshop.

We will cook some tremendously Yummy food in this workshop. We will be able to ask all we want to know, to question all we would like to question in this workshop - the more questions the merrier.

And, of course, at the end of the workshop we will all sit down together and enjoy the delicious meal we all prepared. Plus, we can promise, it will be loads of fun! 

Location: Haarlem / Heemstede  
Time:  11.00 – 13.00
Investment: EUR 65 :- - including tax, cooking workshop, seminar, Q & A , booklet with recipes , food & drinks 
Want to know more about healthy food?
Granola at MICA
The whole point of this series is that you can actually bring any questions you have about nutrition/food & drinks with regards to your health to this morning get together and we will answer all of them - as well as provide you with recipe suggestions and/or ways to tweak your already favorite foods wherever necessary.

Every Health Food Brunch will start off with a small introduction and a theme to get started, to get the discussion and questions going - after that we can deviate in any direction you would like to, within the field of nutrition and health.

Location: MICA Coffeebar, Kleine Houtstraat, Haarlem
Time:  11.00 – 13.00
Investment : EUR 35:- incl tax, breakfast/brunch (warm oats or granola breakfast, coffee or tea, juice), seminar
Catch your salmon and be a man at cooking it!
Salmon Soup in the making!
Having seen the trend in commercials the past years, in media, in training for you guys and more a question arose as we were planning the next line of workshops, which was “what about the guys??!!”
So, it is time for a workshop for the men out there!
We will dive straight into cooking a meal, while enjoying a cold beer or two and simultaneously filling up on real scientific knowledge mixed in with some fun historical and mythological facts where science meets Netflix in some ways.
At the end of the workshop we eat the meal we cooked, while another seminar sums up the facts and fiction leaving plenty of room for any questions you have on the subject. The more questions that arise, the merrier!

Time:  19.00 – 22.00
Investment; EUR 65 :- incl btw, cooking workshop, seminar, Q & A, booklet with recipes , food & drinks
Location; Haarlem/Heemstede
  • Friday 28th October: Nutritional Seminar brunch at MICA, Haarlem
Coffeshop MICA impressions, Haarlem
Location: MICA Coffeebar, Kleine Houtstraat, Haarlem
Time:  11.00 – 13.00
Investment : EUR 35:- incl tax, breakfast/brunch (warm oats or granola breakfast, coffee or tea, juice), seminar



You can already book online your next workshop on Meetup:
Or Sign up / more information / questions:
Cecilia@studiostark.net 06-46157019

See you from next week on in Haarlem/Hemsteede!

a ppetit voyage is much more than reviews and recipes!

Follow the blog: www.appetitvoyage.com
Share your ideas on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/appetitvoyage
Follow us on Twitter @appetitvoyage
Instagram: @appetit.voyage

A ppetit Voyage agenda is updated regularly, so come and visit our website www.appetitvoyage.com to check the next workshops, either for cooking or wine tasting!

 Feel free to contact us and ask for a private dinner or party with your friends or colleagues: Birthdays, Bachelors, Baby shower, etc...

A ppetit Voyage is your globe-trotting connoisseur: helping you change your mind about food, wines and cooking!


Very nice workshops man, Let me visit you and help you around.

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