Persimmon jelly

Persimmons jelly by Appetit Voyage
Persimmons Jelly Dessert Inspiration
This is almost not a recipe, as it is so easy to make, you will not believe it!  

Persimmon season starts in October and finish in February, so it is your last chance to enjoy this delicious fruit! It contains a high content of vitamins A, C, E, B6, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous AND pectin! Pectin is the element that naturally makes fruit jellies in quince, apples, lemons, prunes or some berries.

They are a valuable helpers when you prepare jams, preserves and jellies.

So, if you take ripe persimmons, peel them and cut them in pieces before you cook them with 1 tbsp of water and 1/2 lemon juice, a medium heat for 20 minutes, you get a nice melting puree. We call it COMPOTE in French. I do not add any sugar because persimmons are quite sweet already.

Persimmons jelly by Appetit Voyage
Pour the puree in individual silicon molds, press a bit to be sure there is not air holes. Let it cool and place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes, up to 5 days.

That is it.
You have an already made fruity dessert, you can enjoy anytime! On the picture above, I put 1 chestnut cookie, and un-mold my persimmon jelly on top. I just decorated with some pomegranate, and ready to go! Quick, easy and delicious! 

Let me know what you think about this recipe-trick and how you serve your persimmon jelly!

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